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Sea of Cortez
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Spinnaker Flying
Puerto Vallarta
Haha Pictures
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The Boat

Well, we stuck around in Careyes for a few more days. The workers at the hotel, as well as other people we met, were so friendly, we just couldn't leave.

The developer/owner of Careyes is a man named John Franco. His son, Giorgio, likes to play polo. They are developing a business of polo vacations as a means to sell their properties. They will eventually add golf and tennis, but for now polo is more exclusive and that is who they are targeting as their customer. They have two beautiful polo fields, a stable of horses (you need 48 horses for one polo match), and the support staff to take care of it all. They get a couple of the worlds top players to play, some other professionals, and a few paying clients (~$20,000 a week per player). They are all put up in the houses on the hill, provided with parties every night, and invited to join the exclusive club by buying one of the multi-million dollar homes. We were hanging around with the people who were working at the polo games, and got invited to a few of the parties. We only went to one, the one at John Franco's house. It turned out not to be a party, but a subtle sales pitch for Careyes and John Franco. It was good, but not slick enough to get either Larry or myself to sign up.

We were the only boat here for a couple of days, and then we had neighbors, Blue Bell. We had seen them in Chamela, but had not met them until here in Careyes. We ended up hanging out with them in Careyes, and continuing on together to Tenacatita.

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Giorgio & Meno a top player Waiting to start
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The pitch in Some of the 48 horses Giorgio's son & wife
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The sunsets continued to amaze us, even looking the other way^
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Synergizer at anchor Synergizer & Blue Bell water fowl


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