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The dodger and bimini top were necessary for this trip, but we had sticker shock when we started shopping for them.

We ended up buying the tubing and materials from a fabric wholesaler. We then designed the frame and had it bent for us at Svendsons Metal shop.

bim3.jpg (37841 bytes) bim4.jpg (36537 bytes)

Frame Side

Frame Front

bim6.jpg (51202 bytes)

bim7.jpg (60542 bytes)

Dodger Frame

Bimini Frame

Larry is sewing the tops and windows with some help from Mia.

bim1.jpg (34319 bytes) bim2.jpg (36417 bytes)
Tops Side View Tops Front View
BIM10.jpg (52284 bytes) BIM11.jpg (49080 bytes)
With Windows With Windows

Mom came for a visit and helped Ayumi finish up by making the mesh sun screen enclosure.

Thanks to everyone who helped. The dodger and bimini enclosure came out much better than if we would have had it made. It will make the boat much more comfortable in both the sun and rain.



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Synergizer does the Haha

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